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Donate to Trinity Lutheran and the ELCA!

As members of the ELCA, we believe that God is calling us into the world – together. Our church and its ministries depend on gifts from church and community members like you to keep our ministry going - locally and globally.

As a registered 501c3, all charitable donations made to Trinity Lutheran and the ELCA are tax-deductible and will go towards the vital work our church does in the Verona community such as keeping our blessing box full of food for those who hunger in our community, hosting events and providing a safe space for those in need of healing to meet, and welcoming all to worship in accordance with the ELCA's fundamental belief that God’s love and grace are limitless and for everyone.

Trinity Lutheran's Preferred Donation Method:

Please send a check directly to our address with your contact information to:

Trinity Lutheran Church

ATTN: Church Treasurer

701 Allegheny River Blvd

Verona, PA 15147, USA

*A receipt for your donation will be mailed to you by our Church's Treasurer

ELCA's Preferred Donation Method:

The ELCA has many options for donations, including a monthly giving option, a matching gift option through your employer, legacy gift planning, ELCA's good gifts program, and one-time directed donations towards: ELCA World Hunger, Lutheran Disaster Response, Global Missions, International Women Leaders, and ELCA Leaders.

To donate, go to the ELCA's donation website here:

*A receipt for your donation will be e-mailed to you for your records

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